Students Do Not Have to Struggle With Reading.
Are your students struggling with reading because they aren’t familiar with their sight words? We hear this all too often. We developed workbooks that expose K-5 students to the world of travel while increasing their familiarity with grade-level appropriate sight words.
Make Your Teachers’ Jobs Easier.
Boost The Confidence of Your Students.
Teachers are able to cover the grade-level appropriate sight words in a way that makes it easier for students to understand.
By using our workbooks, teachers are able to:
How to Purchase Workbooks
If students are not familiar with grade-level appropriate sight words, then they will struggle with reading. Our workbooks provide teachers with an easier and more engaging way to teach students sight words while exposing them to travel words.
Here’s how it works:
Email us to inquire about our workbooks.
Let us create a custom package.
Begin creating confident readers.
Email us today. Ease your frustrations and start feeling confident in your students’ reading abilities.