Student Workshops Should Not Be Disengaging.
Your Students’ Education Should Not Be Limited.



  • Are you frustrated by the lack of workshops that engage students to apply classroom knowledge to the real world?

  • Are you frustrated that your current educational model does not teach students the necessary 21st century skills to be leaders inside and outside the classroom?

  • Are you concerned that the disinterest of students is preventing them from learning about other cultures?


You Are Not Alone.

With your input, we developed live workshops that:

Join Educators Like Yourself Who Have
Inspired Future Global Leaders.

Your Plan to Create The Next Global Leaders.

At WellTraveled, we know that as an educator you want your students to be equipped with the necessary 21st century skills to be successful inside and outside the classroom. Our workshops will help you accomplish this.

The problem with traditional educational models is that they lack the resources that give students opportunities to apply what they learn in the classroom to the real world. As a result, students aren’t taught the necessary 21st century skills to be effective leaders, which causes your frustration.

We understand that grooming students to be successful in the real world can be daunting. That’s why we worked with schools, afterschool programs and parents over the past five years to uniquely develop workshops that help enhance the education of students.

Here’s how it works:

Email us to inquire about our live workshops. Choose a date. Enjoy the workshop.

Email us today. Ease your frustrations and start feeling confident in your students’ preparation for success in today’s society.

Workshops Uniquely Designed to Help Your Students Succeed.

Our workshops focus on exposing students to world travel through a series of presentations and classroom-based activities. Students are challenged to apply College & Career Readiness Standards in the areas of Speaking, Listening and Writing.

Passport to the World Seminars enables students to showcase their skills in the areas of:

  • Collaboration & Teamwork

  • Constructive & Positive Feedback

  • Financial Literacy

  • Global & Cultural Awareness

  • Oral & Written Communication

  • Problem Solving

Order/Email Inquiry